My support

Life can change in a moment. Suddenly, a family can lose both a loved one and the financial support at the same time. My support helps your family, at its worst possible moment, feel safe and relieve financial concerns.

Secure the future of your loved ones. My support has no savings component and provides financial protection to the family of the insured.

Why Is It Important To Be Insured?

Life insurance is an important decision and we recommend it to everyone who is exposed to everyday risks, such as traffic accidents or work-related injuries. This type of insurance is also intended for people who have completed their business career, are preparing to retire or have already done so.

The main purpose of insurance is to protect the family from financial difficulties and expenditures. The client pays the monthly premium during the contract period, and in case the insured event occurs, the sum is paid to the policy users.

Characteristics and benefits

Insurance Characteristics

  • The possibility of a monthly or an annual premium payment
  • The duration of insurance: from 1 to 20 years
  • The insurance contract period from age 18 until the end of age 74
  • Insurance expires with the age of 75

Insurance Benefits

  • Family safety in case of unwanted life circumstances
  • The investment of small amounts of money with high sum insured
  • No worries, only good memories remain

Insurance terms and conditions
General terms and conditions "> ">
Special terms and conditions "> ">

A fast and simple realization of the entire process of the contract approval carried out at one place.

Discover your offer?

Select the period and the amount of the premium you wish to pay for your policy in our application and you will be able to calculate the exact sum insured.

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Frequently asked questions

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      Svi podaci koje korisnik Aplikacije dostavi Osiguranju radi izrade informativne ponude su dostavljeni na osnovu njegove slobodne volje, a pristanak da Osiguranje obrađuje te podatke je dat konkludentnom radnjom*, odnosno, samim činom dostavljanja podataka od strane korisnika Aplikacije čime je data saglasnost Osiguranju da iste obradi u svrhu dostavljanja informative ponude osiguranja.

      Osiguranje će prilikom obrade podataka postupati u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti.

      *Konkludentna radnja je radnja, odnosno odgovarajuće postupanje, kojim je jasno, nedvosmisleno i sa sigurnošću iskazan pristanak lica povodom određenog posla. U konkretnom slučaju popunjavanjem ličnih podataka korisnik Aplikacije nesumnjivo daje saglasnost da Osiguranje te podatke koristi, jer u surotnom neće popuniti podatke i dostaviti ih Osiguranju putem Aplikacije.