Frequently asked questions
The insured case ocurred, when I can file a claim?
The claims of the contractor / insured person become obsolete in accordance with Article 380 of the Law on Obligations within 5 years, but the interested person can prove that they did not have knowledge about the occurrence of the insured event when the statute of limitations expires from the date of knowledge, with the absolute statute of limitations 10 years.
Which company takes over Societe Generale osiguranje?
OTP Group has successfully completed the acquisition process and acquired ownership of the Societe Generale osiguranje, as well as Societe Generale Banka Srbija and Sogelease. This means that Societe Generale osiguranje continues to operate under the name OTP Osiguranje ADO Beograd. OTP Osiguranje together with OTP banka Srbija and OTP Leasing is part of the OTP Group providing the highest quality financial services and serving more than 18.5 million service users.
As a client, do I need to take action and come to branch?
There is no need to come to branch nor take any action. All the well-known insurance products and benefits that you currently use will stay at your disposal no matter the change of company's name.
Do I need to call OTP Osiguranje in order to get new documents with new name and logo?
There is no need to change existing documents. All documents are valid until the expiration date of the insured period stated on the policy, regardless of the company's name.
I have loan and/or overdraft insurance - is my policy still valid?
Yes, your loan and overdraft insurance is valid and active. As a contractor/insured person you are in our system and you exercise all rights and obligations guaranteed by the contract no matter the company's data written on your policy.
I have an endowment policy of Societe Generale osiguranje with single premium paid - are my assets safe?
Your assets are completely secured. Upon expiration of the policy or in case of claim, you exercise all rights guaranteed by the contract.
Where I can get additional information regarding my insurance policy and claims?
As always we stay at your disposal for all information. You can contact us on 011/2608-665 or send us an e-mail on .
Can I continue with use of My prevention card or I need to change it?
Your insurance card is valid until the expiration of existing contract, that is, until the end date indicated on My prevention card . You can use all benefits guaranteed by the contract without restriction.
Do the account numbers to which I pay premium remain the same?
Yes, account numbers remain the same. In case of change you will be accordingly notified.
How to settle the debt for insurance policy?
Depending on the currency in which the insurance premium is expressed on the policy, it is necessary to pay debt amount to RSD or EUR current account of OTP Osiguranje specified in the Notice. For premiums expressed in EUR, it is possible to pay in RSD counter value according to the middle exchange rate of National bank of Serbia on the day of payment. Payment can be made via e-banking, m-banking or in OTP banka Srbija's branches, according to the instruction received.
How come there is debt for insurance when installment for current month is regularly paid?
Each payment of monthly installment for insurance, closes the oldest unpaid installment. This means that, if during one month premium of insurance was not paid for whatever reason, next month the installment will close this debt. Because of this, it may happen that installments are regularly charged every month, but in fact it closes debt for previous month. If you have received a Notice on unpaid premium, please settle this debt so there will be no delays in the premium payment.
When is the payment of early reimbursement made?
OTP Osiguranje calculates the mathematical reserve at the beginning of each month for all the requests submitted during the previous month. The payment of early reimbursement (mathematical reserve) is done by the 10th of the month.
Why the early reimbursement sum is lower than paid premium?
Reimbursement of mathematical reserve does not mean the reimbursement of total premium paid, because you have been life insured for certain period of time (until the day of early repayment of the loan). This period of insurance has its price, meaning that the reimbursement sum represents difference between total premium paid and obligations of the insurer. Obligations of the insurer are payment of the guaranteed insured sum during the insured period and the costs of insurance management.
When I have right to early reimbursement?
Mathematical reserve serves to reconcile the present value of the future liability of the insurer under the life insurance contract. You exercise the right on reimbursement of mathematical reserve in case that before the expiration of contract you have paid off or refinanced the loan for which you have agreed to the life insurance policy and have paid single premium for the whole insured period.
Which documents shall be submitted in case the insured event occurs?
The documentation necessary for establishing the occurrence of the isured event and the right to payment of the insured sum depends on the type of policy and the insured case. Complete list of documentation for selected insured case can be seen here.
If the insurance policy is used as an instrument for securing a loan, to which amount must the sum be insured?
The common practice of the banks in Serbia prescribes that the sum insured must be higher than or equal to the amount of the loan amount, with the duration of the insurance longer than or equal to the duration of the loan repayment period.
What is the anticipated profit and since when is it accrued?
The profit is the average ratio of the mathematical life insurance reserve investment. The profit is anticipated since the future interest rates cannot be estimated with certainty. Therefore, we talk about the anticipated, not the guaranteed profit. The share of the profit is accrued at the end of every insured year, with the first year following the insurance commencement being the soonest. The insurance contractors are informed about the amount of the accrued profit in the written form. The profit is accrued exclusively to the insurance with the savings component.
How long can life insurance be contracted for?
Life insurance can be concluded for at least 1 year, and at most 30 years, depending on the insurance product and the applicable tariff. The upper age limit for the expiration of the life insurance is 70 or 75 years, and for the risk of permanent disability it is 65 years, depending on the tariff applicable.
What is the policy vinculation?
By contracting the vinculation for the third party, the insured transfers the right to a claim based on the insurance for the benefit of the third party. The Insurer is obliged to pay the sum insured to the third party that is the bearer of the vinculation, or to obtain the consent by that person so as to make the payment of the sum insured to the insurance user.
What is the entry age of the insured?
The entry age of the insured is the difference between the calendar year of the insurance commencement and the year of the birth of the insured.
What is the insured case?
The insured case is any future and uncertain event that represents the realization of the risks defined by the insurance contract.
What is the sum insured?
The sum insured is a monetary amount representing the amount of insurance coverage, or the amount to which the insured person is insured. The sum insured is guaranteed by the insurance contract and paid to the insurance user in case the insured event occurs.
What is the insurance premium?
In essence, the premium is the "insurance price". That is the amount of money the insurance contractor is obliged to pay under the insurance contract.
Who is the beneficiary?
The beneficiary is a person who, in case of the insured event occurrence, is entitled to the insurance indemnity.
Who is the insured?
The insured is a person whose life is insured - the person who is insured against a certain risk defined by the contract.
Who is the insurance contractor?
The insurance contractor is a person who concludes an insurance contract, for his own benefit or for the benefit of another person. The insurance contractor is a person who is obliged to pay the premium and all the rights and obligations of a life insurance contract belong to him.
Who is the insurer?
The insurer is a company that deals with insurance, i.e. that assumes the obligation to pay the sum insured in case the insured event (risk) occurs and that for a certain price (premium).
Do I need to make a medical check before contracting the insurance policy?
Medical examination is not required unless the sum insured exceeds the amount of EUR 55,000.
What is the maximum insured sum I can conclude?
The maximum sum insured with the insurance policy is EUR 200,000.
What is the lowest annual premium and what are the ways to pay the premium?
The amount of the premium depends on the risk that the Insurer takes and for each person insured it is determined in accordance with the tariff system of the Insurer. The premium can be paid monthly, yearly or one-off.
Discover your offer?
Select the period and the amount of the premium you wish to pay for your policy in our application and you will be able to calculate the exact sum insured.
Learn moreObaveštenje
Potvrđujem da ovim putem ne zaključujem Ugovor o osiguranju i da podatke svojevoljno dostavljam isključivo u svrhu mogućeg pribavljanja informativne i neobavezujuće ponude za zaključenje ugovora o osiguranju i to prema podacima koje dostavim Societe Generale Osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Osiguranje). U slučaju da popunjeni podaci nisu istiniti, odnosno da iz drugih razloga ili na osnovu volje Osiguravača nije moguće zaključiti ugovor o osiguranju prema ovoj ponudi, Osiguravač neće snositi odgovornost.
Svi podaci koje korisnik Aplikacije dostavi Osiguranju radi izrade informativne ponude su dostavljeni na osnovu njegove slobodne volje, a pristanak da Osiguranje obrađuje te podatke je dat konkludentnom radnjom*, odnosno, samim činom dostavljanja podataka od strane korisnika Aplikacije čime je data saglasnost Osiguranju da iste obradi u svrhu dostavljanja informative ponude osiguranja.
Osiguranje će prilikom obrade podataka postupati u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti.
*Konkludentna radnja je radnja, odnosno odgovarajuće postupanje, kojim je jasno, nedvosmisleno i sa sigurnošću iskazan pristanak lica povodom određenog posla. U konkretnom slučaju popunjavanjem ličnih podataka korisnik Aplikacije nesumnjivo daje saglasnost da Osiguranje te podatke koristi, jer u surotnom neće popuniti podatke i dostaviti ih Osiguranju putem Aplikacije.